Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Apply For A Secure Credit Card With Your Bank

Category: Finance, Credit.

Having had to declare yourself as bankrupt cannot be a pleasant experience.

But the only good thing about it is that after you are through the period of bankruptcy you start with a clean slate. In fact it is one of the most terrible phases of life one can go through. The only thing you need to carry forward from your earlier days are the hard lessons that you learnt about managing your resources and learning to value what you have. The first two or three years after bankruptcy are the most difficult and this is the period when you will have to fight it out. Remembering those lessons will stand you in good stead in the future. But you can start rebuilding yourself from this time only. Here are a few steps you can take towards that.

For you to earn good credits quickly you have to cultivate healthy financial habits as early as possible. Create a savings account if you already don t have one and make regular deposits to that account. This shows that you are keen on saving for any emergency in the future. You should deposit a fixed some every month. Stay away from any further debts. If that means a much tougher life than what you are used to, then so be it.

Don t loan anything from anyone. Pay all your bills on time. If there are late payments from your end, they might get reported to the credit bureau, something you will definitely not want to happen. This will show that you have learnt from your mistakes and you are not going to repeat the same in future. If you retain your credit card even after bankruptcy, then only make small purchases using it once in a while and pay back your dues immediately. Apply for a secure credit card with your bank. This also shows that you have now learnt how to handle your credit card.

These cards require you to deposit an amount with the bank and the bank will allow you credit only up to the amount that you have deposited with the bank. All these steps will be assessed while evaluating your credit worthiness and if you follow them closely there is no reason why you wouldn t be considered for credit in the near future. This is the best way to use the advantages of the credit card without spending more than you can afford.


Credit Card Convenience Checks - Finance and Credit Articles:

No matter how convenient credit cards are- and they re almost obligatory for modern life- there s no denying that they can land the unwary card- holder in a whole world of trouble if not used carefully.

You Cannot Settle Secured Debts - Finance and Credit Articles:

I ve talked to people who didn t believe that the credit card companies would actually settle for less than they were owed. If your debt is no longer with the original creditor, and has been sent to a collection agency, you will have to deal with them.

From Collection Agencies And Credit Bureaus I Imagine - Finance and Credit Articles:

Bad credit is a burden most people don t realize how far reaching it is until it affects them. At best, you will be considered a high credit risk and pay exorbitant fees for any type of credit given.

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